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Anthony Nicome, MHS

Anthony Nicome, MHS
Environmental Justice Fellow, AAMC Center for Health Justice

Anthony is the inaugural health justice fellow with the AAMC Center for Health Justice, focusing on environmental justice. Anthony currently serves the public as an environmental justice coordinator at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) where he works with communities to help protect public health and the environment. Anthony has worked directly with populations across the nation, especially engaging with communities that live with disproportionate environmental health impacts and have been historically burdened by environmental injustices. At the EPA, Anthony leads the Community Work Network, working with EPA offices, government partners, and community-based organizations across programmatic silos to ensure that EPA policies and programs are developed according to community vision and driven by communities during implementation. 

Anthony previously served the public as a community outreach assistant at Moncrief Cancer Institute and as a research assistant at the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future, the University at Buffalo Food Systems Planning and Healthy Communities Lab, and the Baltimore Food Policy Initiative. Anthony’s first exposure to health equity research was gained as a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Scholar at Morehouse College and the University of North Carolina Center for Health Equity Research, where he helped develop evaluation measures for the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars program. 

Anthony earned his  bachelor of science degree in geography from Texas Christian University and his master of health science degree in environmental health, with a focus on environmental justice, from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. His graduate research focused on analyzing shortfalls of the Safe Drinking Water Act and providing policy suggestions for improvement, with a special emphasis on communities that have historically faced environmental injustice. Anthony is currently a graduate student at Yale University School of Public Health where he is continuing his public health training in the environmental health sciences.

In 2021, he was inducted into the Delta Omega Public Health Honorary Society, Alpha Chapter, and more recently earned an EPA National Honor Award for integrating EPA community-based revitalization and resilience at all levels of governance.

Anthony is a freelance writer for Civil Eats, where he shares his thoughts about the intersections between the U.S. food system, transportation, and public health.