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These toolkits help communities engage in dialogue to identify actions people or institutions can take to advance health and health care equity.

If you have any questions or want to share your institution’s experience with the toolkits, contact us!

Learn about how your organization can demonstrate being worthy of the trust of your community.

Librarian helping students in school library

Learn more about the needs of and inequities faced by newly arrived immigrants.

A recent immigrant discussing healthcare in the U.S. versus her native country

Learn about the impact of mass incarceration on the health of individuals, families, and communities.

An incarcerated man discussing some of his health issues

Learn about how to talk with diverse communities, including urban-dwelling Native Americans, about participating in medical research.

A Native American man talking about health care

Learn about Baltimore residents’ perspectives on how medical students, doctors, and researchers can, should, and do respond to social injustice.

A woman talking about her experiences working with medical students