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The Center responded to a request for information from the National Institute of Minority Health Disparities with input from AAMC CHARGE.
By focusing on solutions supported by individuals of varying ideologies, we can strengthen our democracy and build stronger, healthier communities.
Meet AAMC CHARGE member Gelise Thomas, JD, MS, a health equity advocate passionate about research, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility work.
Increasing the number of engaged voters expands representation, shaping the policies that affect the health of our neighbors and communities.
The AAMC and the Center made recommendations for future directions in the NIH's SGM health research.
Meet Jamela M. Martin, PhD, RN, associate professor and department chair of nursing and allied health at Norfolk State University, and AAMC CHARGE ambassador.
Meet Pranav Mehta, a medical student at UTHealth McGovern Medical School, Project UNITY co-founder, and AAMC CHARGE virtual community ambassador.
The Center, with AAMC CHARGE and the Multisector Partner Group, made recommendations to increase public participation in federal activities.
Meet Mallory Yung, MPH, Associate Director for the Health Equity Alliance at the Health Management Academy, and AAMC CHARGE virtual community ambassador.
The Center recommended robust collaboration with other agencies implementing the revisions to the White House's revised race and ethnicity data standards.