Did you know that federal law allows health care providers, medical schools, and teaching hospitals to encourage their students, staff, patients, and communities to register to vote? Health care organizations can support an inclusive democracy and health equity by integrating nonpartisan voter education and registration into their services.
August is Civic Health Month, and the AAMC has partnered with Vot-ER to provide a toolkit of resources for health care organizations. The intent is to ensure patients have opportunities to make their voices heard in ways that could impact their communities’ future health and well-being. Providing a nonpartisan opportunity for community members to register to vote and participate in elections is a critical action health care institutions, providers, and professionals can take to improve civic health. Discover how you and your organization can get involved to register members of your community:
Visit www.aamc.org/voterregistration to learn more about how health care organizations can promote civic engagement and voter registration. The fact sheet on voter registration provides an overview of relevant federal laws as well as guidance and best practices.
Use these conversation starters to talk with patients and community members about registering to vote. The scripts are nonpartisan, research-based, and appropriate for most clinical settings.
Wear a free badge with a QR code patients can use to register to vote online with their own personal device.
Get involved with Civic Engagement Month in your community this September!